
Administrative rights

You need administrative rights to change configurations on web version. Administrative rights could be enabled by either one of the following ways:

  • Set "developer" to True in file ""

  • Set "webFullAccess" to True in file ""

  • Login in as an administrator by running command ".login:::UBA123", where "UBA123" is the default value of "webAdminPassword" in file "". You need to change "UBA123" in the login command if administrator had changed the default password.

For setup of public web server, developers should change the "webAdminPassword" and set both "developer" and "webFullAccess" to False for security reasons.

Attention! Make sure UBA is not running when you manually edit the file "".


File '' contains essential configurations for running

(Remarks: Generally speaking, users don't need to edit this file. In case you need to do so, make sure UBA is not running when you manually edit this file.)

You can enter ".config" command to display documentation of available configuration options.

Developers may use _setconfig::: command to configure config options when UBA is running.

Web version offers some built-in shortcut commands for administrators to configure some of the available options easily. For example,

.setFavouriteBible - configure 'favouriteBible'.

.setFavouriteBible2 - configure 'favouriteBible2'.

.setFavouriteBible3 - configure 'favouriteBible3'.

Read UBA Commands for more information about built-in commands.

select a colour

On side navigation menu, you can find an Unique Bible App icon, you can change it to another one from our collection.

  1. Use ".login:::<password>" to login

  2. Run ".setWebUBAIcon"

  3. Select a colour you prefer

Please do not edit or remove these icons. We require users to display an official icon together with a hyperlink to acknowledge the open-source project.

organisation / church logo

You can also add an organisation / church logo and a hyperlink to your organisation / church website.

  1. Place your logo image file in directory "htmlResources"

  2. Shut down UBA http-server by running ".stop" command with administrative rights enabled.

  3. Edit file ""

  4. Assign your logo image filename to "webOrganisationIcon", e.g. webOrganisationIcon = "myLogo.png"

  5. Assign your organisation / church website link to webOrganisationLink, e.g. webOrganisationLink = ""