Audio I

Pronounce Hebrew / Greek / English / Chinese for you

Your screen may be too narrow to show the "speak" button, but don't worry.

Slide the bottom bar to the left to see the "Speak" button.

"Stop" button is available when audio is playing.

Settings for audio are available. You can have more control.

You can adjust speech rate. There is a button to restore normal speech rate.

Options on English accents:

  • British
  • American

Options on Chinese dialets:

  • Mandarin
  • Cantonese

Guess what? Bible audio works perfectly even in parallel reading mode. In this example, the app reads English and Greek verses alternatively.

Language of Bible Audio changes automatically as you change bible versions. The app pronounce in English when an English bible is opened, in Greek when a Greek bible is opened, in Hebrew ... in Chinese ...

You can adjust speech rate, English accents and Chinese dialets from our "Settings view".

The audio reading starts from the currently selected verse. The app scrolls one verse at a time as the reading progresses, until the end of the opened chapter. After the reading is finished, the app automatically scrolls back to the selected verse.